Sunday, May 26, 2024

Strongholds “Failure”


Judges 31:1-16:30 (CSB)

Key Truth: “Eliminating obstacles to faith clears a pathway to live The Jesus Way.”

- Failure - “Lack of success; the omission of expected or required action; the action or state of not functioning.”

- Errors become mistakes when we perceive them and respond to them incorrectly. Mistakes become failures when we continually respond to them incorrectly.”- John Maxwell, Failing Forward, 13,18.

Main Question: How do we understand failure and navigate our way through the inevitable errors and mistakes that come our way? 

1.    Failure is unavoidable(Judges 13:1-25)

2.    Failure is a process(Judges 14:1-16:20)

3.    Failure is reversible. (Judges 16:21- 30)

- Ultimately, our worth is not determined by our errors, poor choices, and mistakes, but by our responses to them.

After the Message: Read James 1:12-15. What is the pattern of sin? How are we allured and enticed away from God? What is the result of our sin? Who is the blessed man in these verses? What, then, are we to do to defeat the temptations in our lives?

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