Sunday, May 19, 2024

Strongholds - “Idolatry”


Exodus 32:1-35 (CSB)

Key Truth: “Eliminating obstacles to faith clears a pathway to live The Jesus Way.”

- Idol - "An image of a deity other than God; any person or thing regarded with blind admirationadoration, or devotion; a mere image or semblance of something, visible but without substance.”

Main Question: How do we so easily give up on the God we know and love and pursue other, inferior things? 

1.    We forget the Lord(Exodus 32:1a)

2.    We create other alternatives(Exodus 32:1b-6)

3.    We are held accountable by God. (Exodus 32:7-35)

After the Message: Read Exodus 20:1-21. What commands did God set up for His people? How can these commands help you to eliminate the stronghold of idolatry and lead you to live The Jesus Way?

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