Sunday, June 30, 2024

Summer in the Psalms True Freedom


Summer in the Psalms
True Freedom
Psalm 14:1-7 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”

Main Question: What does true freedom look like and how can we receive it and live in it?

1.     The fool(vs. 1) 


- Biblically, fools are those who have rejected the call of wisdom and embraced the path of folly. They are described as hating knowledge and prefer their self-centered pursuits over God’s wisdom.



2.    The wicked(vs. 2-4)

3.    The righteous(vs. 5-7)

After the Message: Read Romans 3:9-26. What is the condition of all humankind? What is the result of that condition? Does the OT law help with our condition? What is the answer to the human condition? How do we receive this solution?

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