Thursday, July 11, 2024

In Times of Joy or Sorrow

Thursday, July 11, 2024

God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure. He is a shield to all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is a rock? Only our God. God—he clothes me with strength and makes my way perfect. You have given me the shield of your salvation; your right hand upholds me, and your humility exalts me. Psalm 18:30-35

In Times of Joy or Sorrow

In this passage of Psalm 18, David is talking about God and how different and real He is compared to the other “gods” celebrated. There is no other god like Him. 


At that time, the Philistines, the Moabites, the Edomites and others had their “gods.” But none of those gods were like the One True God. They were worldly vain idols who promised profit, pleasure and prestige, but delivered nothing. Not only did they fail to deliver all they promise, they can never give the things our Heavenly Father promises and delivers to us such as forgiveness, grace, mercy, and eternal life.

David is remembering all the things God has done for him and in his life while praising Him and giving thanks. He is near the end of his life and is looking back, celebrating a real God. 

David is praising God for a long list of things: 

His perfect way 

His pure word

For being a shield to all who take refuge in Him

For being a rock

Giving us strength

Making our way perfect

Skills to use the gifts He has given us (He makes my feet like the feet of a deer and sets me securely on the heights. He trains my hands for war; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.)


Strength of His power

Humility – the gentleness shown to us by God and how we learn from that gentleness to be gentle with others.

David had not lived a perfect life of no trouble, even though he was anointed as God’s chosen king at a very young age. All His children are chosen and anointed as well. But do we remember to praise our Heavenly Father in every circumstance of life? David sometimes forgot, but then he always quickly remembered. 

Sometimes it is hard to worship when our heart is broken but God is still deserving of our praise.

God is worthy of worship in every circumstance of life.

David ended Psalm 18 with more praise for God and all He had done in his life. Have you ever really thought about all God has done in your life? If you have, then you can only feel overwhelmed by His love and goodness.  

The Lord lives—blessed be my rock! The God of my salvation is exalted. v46

Therefore I will give thanks to you among the nations, Lord; I will sing praises about your name. v49

Our worship to God flows from the emotions and knowledge of a true God who is holy, and what He has done in our lives. It is often the overflow from our heart from one of two emotions – either overwhelming joy or great sorrow. No matter what season we are in and whether we feel joy or sorrow, we can always worship God through it. He is always worthy of our worship and deserves it. That worship can also bring the most soothing and peaceful feeling for a heart overwhelmed with sorrow. In whatever season and whatever circumstance, give God the worship and paise that He is worthy of and deserves.  

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