Sunday, August 11, 2024

Summer in the Psalms “A Life of Thanksgiving”

Summer in the Psalms
“A Life of Thanksgiving”
Psalm 118:1-29 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”

Main Question: What can this psalm teach us about God’s character, about our worship, and about living a life of thanksgiving? 


1.    Thankful for God’s love(Psalm 118:1-4)

2.    Thankful for God’s work(Psalm 118:5-18)


3.    Thankful for God’s presence. (Psalm 118:19-29)

After the Message: Read Psalm 100:1-5. Make a list of all the things for which you are thankful. Now, use this list as a prayer guide to give thanks to God for His faithfulness in your life.

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