Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Source of Life

Thursday, October 10, 2024  

Source of Life - Proverbs 4:23 by Kay Crumley


What is your source of life? Do you consider the physical/biological source and think of the bodily systems that sustain life? Or perhaps it’s those things that stir passion emotionally. Maybe you have a hobby or even a job that just makes you happy and you lose your sense of time when engaged in that activityYou become so consumed by that activity that you forget to eat. Just FYI, there are very few things I find that will cause me to forget to eatAnother way to consider the source of life is through the spiritual lens. What is holding you together or giving you purpose spiritually? Recently Proverbs 4:23 was the verse of the day. It caused me to question my own definition for the source of life. 


Solomon wrote this chapter to his sons. Since it is included in God’s Holy Word, it is written to all of God’s sons and daughters, that means you and me. These are words we need to take seriously. The first part of this chapter instructs us to seek wisdom and understanding. Christian parents are to teach their children God’s wisdom, guide them to understanding, and repeat the message constantly as the children mature. In verse 4 he gives us the reason for his instruction, Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live. We cannot live as God intended without keeping His words in our heart and following His commands. That seems like an obvious guideline to live by to live.  


As Solomon brings his teaching to a close, he warns us to pay attention, hear and take to heart his words so that we can have life and health. Then we find verse 23,  

Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. CSV 

I have included two versions of the same verse. One tells us to guard our heart. How do we do that? Be careful of what we take to heart, trust, or rely on for guidance. Those who follow the earthly advice or latest fad will be led away from the wisdom of His Word. We must filter those ideas and compare them to His teachings before we allow them to become part of our lifestyle. In both versions we find that we are to put that first, protect our hearts from influences that don’t adhere to God’s truth. Why is that important? Because it is the source of life according to the CSV. Our life actions and behaviors come from what is in our heart. We do what our belief system leads us to do  


Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. NIV 

The NIV explains the reason just slightly differently but perhaps a little easier to understand. Everything you do flows from your heart. In the heat of an argument, we sometimes blurt something out that we regret. That is often not because we don’t think that way but because we don’t want others to know our innermost thoughts or feelings about the matter. Our actions and reactions are determined by what is in our heart, our innermost thoughts and feelings.  


Luke put it this way The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Luke 6:45. What is in our hearts is what comes out of our mouths. Perhaps we can hide those feelings for a time, but it will eventually come out in our words or actions. We are all guilty of putting on a façade to present to the world. That can become burdensome as we attempt to ‘look good’ without truly being good.  


Physical life is truly dependent on our heart to keep our essential bodily functions working. But the Bible refers to the heart of man as his natural inclinations. We are sinful by nature. Without God our heart will lead us to sin, it is deceitful according to Jeremiah 17:9. We must have His wisdom embedded in our heart and be on constant guard to keep His wisdom prominent in our innermost being so that life in Christ will flow out to the world to bring honor to Him. 

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