Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Trusting Brings Peace

 Wednesday, October 1, 2024

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding… Proverbs 3:5

Trusting Brings Peace

I have a hard time trusting when I go through those car washes – you know the ones where you have to line the tire up just right, so it fits into the track. Then you have to put your car in neutral, so it rides along on the conveyor belt. It makes me nervous  because I cannot see what is in front of me. I also have no control, so what happens if it malfunctions, and I run into another car? I don’t usually have any peace as I go through the carwash, not in control, and not being able to see much at all. 

God offers us peace that the world cannot give. In fact, I would argue that the world does just the opposite for us – takes our peace away. God’s peace is not dependent on anything or anyone. It doesn’t matter what is happening around us because His peace is only from Him. This world will surely take us down if we let it. People will hurt us – even people we trust and think never will. The world will be tumultuous and chaotic, and there will be people we put our trust in, believing the false promise they give only to be disappointed and hurt.  

Anxiety is what we get when we look at our problems or difficult circumstances. Peace is what we get when we look at our God. When we stay focused on Him, we can still have peace in the midst of chaos and trials. When it feels like all hope is lost we must remember where true hope comes from. It does not come from anything that is causing our anxiety. True hope only comes from Him. 

Trust = Peace

Trusting Him will bring us peace. When we lay it down for Him to take for us, we can find peace. He is so much more capable and when we try to fix things on our own, we either make them worse, or create a lot of anxiety for ourselves. He fixes things for us in His perfect way and in His perfect timing if we will trust Him and let Him be God. True trust means trusting with all our hearts like the verse above says, and not relying on our own understanding.  

Trust is an ongoing, day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath thing. Some seasons will be easier to rest in that trust. Some seasons will tether us tighter to Him. All seasons of trust are about what happens in us during that time, rather than waiting on what God will do for us. Seasons of waiting and trust are seasons of transformation and growth. With every moment of trust, we put in Him, our faith grows and even if our requests or desires are not granted, if we burrow deeper and deeper into who God really is, we will find so much more than we could ever want or imagine. He is everything we need and trusting in Him, resting in Him and running to Him will give us peace we cannot find anywhere else. 

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