Sunday, January 5, 2025

“Core: Setting the Foundation for the Future”


“Core: Setting the Foundation for the Future”
Proverbs 29:18 (CSB)


Key Truth: “Our values will determine how we think, what we believe, and how we live."

Vision is the reorienting of our thinkingtalking, and doing around God’s agenda for the future, grounded in current practices that are purposeful and repeatable.

Main Question: What does the Bible say about vision and how should it move us to practices that are purposeful and repeatable?

1.     We need God’s divine guidance(Proverbs 29:18a)

General Revelation: The knowledge God reveals to all—through material creation, human experience, and conscience—and perhaps God’s direction of history.


Special Revelation: What God reveals through his distinctive work in history to restore creation, supremely in his Son becoming human as well as his communication through prophets and apostles.


2.     God’s vision will bring blessings(Proverbs 29:18b)

Our church moto: A Church for Every Generation…

NSBC Vision Statement- “Leading every generation toward a fully-formed life with Jesus.” 

Goal: That NSBC attendees are connected in intentionalmultiplying, disciple-making relationships.

Outcome: To mobilize every generation of growing disciples to expand the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations.

NSBC Core Values:

1.   Christ-Centered Worship

2.   Biblical Authority

3.   Intergenerational Relationships

4.   Holistic Discipleship

5.   Intentional Witness

6.   Community Engagement

7.   Global Mission

After the Message: Read Proverbs 29:18. How is North Side’s vision already being lived out in your life? What needs to happen for this vision to become more real every day for you? Where is God calling you to serve so that this vision might be realized?

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