Friday, August 12, 2011

Look Daddy!

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. 1 John 3:1a

When you hear the words Heavenly Father, what kind of emotions are stirred within you?  Do you feel warm and secure inside or does it evoke feelings of anxiety, fear, or loneliness?  Some have not known the tender, loving acceptance of an earthly father and may not associate anything good with the title of “father.” It may be hard for some to imagine God as someone who cares about them and wants to take care of them as long as His name is Heavenly “Father.”

Of course, not everyone had a father who was demeaning, uncaring or controlling.  Many children have had the privilege of having a father who loves, cherishes, supports, and is committed to them.  A caring father who nourishes an intimate and loving relationship makes a profound effect on a child's life.  God is more than willing to help make up for absent fathers or fathers who failed. As Christians, we have a unique relationship with the Creator of the universe who just happens to be our Heavenly Father as well. 

So many times we call on God when we need His help. Maybe we should also consider calling on Him when we are doing good and living our life in a way that would be pleasing to Him.  Much as a child seeks their earthly father’s attention when doing well, why not call on Him to look as we strive to live our lives to be pleasing to Him?  We can dance before our Heavenly Father the same way our two-year-old dances for us.  Don’t you long for Him to tell you that you are amazing and wonderful?  Seek His affirmation – it is there if you will accept it.

Unconditional Love
For those of us who had performance-oriented fathers, we may tend to transfer those characteristics to God.  The Bible does talk about being disciplined and rewarded according to our actions.  That’s simple cause and effect. The problem comes when our worth and our value is attached fully to what we do.  Wrong beliefs are formed from statements such as, “God won’t love you if you don’t do what He said” or “If you live right God will like you and bless you.”   Such statements can cause our faith in a God of unconditional love to waiver.  These wrong perceptions may cause us to have difficulty in accepting grace.  It might be a concept we know in our heads but not in our hearts. 

Satan, in contrast to God who is our Heavenly Father, is the Father of Lies.  If there is one lie he wants you to believe it is that God does not love you unconditionally.  He wants us to think that we can never do enough to win God’s approval.  Don’t believe the lies of Satan.  Believe the Heavenly Father who, while we were yet sinners, loved us enough to send His Son to die for us. 

Scripture to Claim:
"But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:31-32)

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