Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Foundation of a Nation, Part II

Deuteronomy 10:12-13
The book of Deuteronomy contains the fascinating account of Moses’ last words to the Nation of Israel.  As he seeks to hand over leadership to the next generation, his words are marked with a great sense of urgency and passion.  Moses knows what hangs in the balance.  The church in every age will benefit from knowing the lessons of this mighty Old Testament narrative. 

I. Recap of Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (Part I)

Deuteronomy is a plea for our obedience to God based on the motives of love and fear.

II. Setting of Deuteronomy 10

·         Deuteronomy 6 and 10 are part of Moses second discourse
·         Chapter 6 concludes with a warning about disobedience
·         Chapter 7 includes a reminder of their chosen status and a lengthy list of blessings­ of obedience
·         Chapter 8 warns against false worship
·         Chapter 9 revisits Israel’s past rebellions, and
·         Chapter 10 begins with a reminder of God’s provision of the law

III. The Requirement of The Lord

Deuteronomy 10:12-13
·         Fear
We must adore His majesty, acknowledge His authority, stand in awe of His power and dread His wrath.

·         Walk
Hebrew understanding of the word walk = lifestyle.

·         Love
“The fear of God is to be united with the love of God…” J. Gerhard

·         Serve
To serve God fully, duty must flow from desire.

·         Keep
Hebrew – “keep” is also to guard, watch or preserve.

IV. Most Important Words… “for your good…”

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