Sunday, June 24, 2012

“We Are Unworthy Servants”

Luke 17:7-10
We live in a “me-first” culture that encourages us to think of ourselves first and others…well, rarely.  We’re told to focus on our self-image, to be involved in self-actualization and to be self-reliant.  We don’t really like being servants.  We need some help learning how to live beyond self so that we can stop defaulting to our selfish settings.

I. God Expects His People to ServeLuke 17:7-10

A.    A servant’s work is not always glamorous. v7a

B.    A servant’s service never ends. v7b-8

C.   A servant should not expect to be thanked. v9

D.   A servant does what is expected. v10

II. God puts Great Significance on ServingMark 10:35-45

The word “servant” is the primary description given to men God used. Numbers 12:7, Romans 1:1

The Son of God came in the form of a servant.  Philippians 2:5-8

Notoriety means nothing to real servants because they know the difference between prominence and significance.” Rick Warren - Purpose Driven Life

Jesus didn’t recruit volunteers; He called us to be servants.

Serving doesn’t make you a servant; but if you are a servant you will serve.

III. What Defines a Bondslave? – 1 Peter 2:16

A.    One who has been bought by the Master  
Remember, you are a tool, not the carpenter.

B.    One who performs the work of the Master
One who is available to the Master

C.   One who is dependent on the Master

Self-sufficiency creates false authority.

IV. How does the Bondslave Serve the Master?
Matthew 25:35-40

A. A Bondservant of Christ has a deep and genuine concern for the welfare of others.

B. A Bondservant of Christ seeks to encourage, comfort and strengthen others.

C. A Bondservant of Christ has the attitude of Christ. 
II Timothy 2:24-25

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