Sunday, May 11, 2014


Nevertheless He looked upon their distress
when He heard their cry; Psalms 106:44

On this Mother’s Day we have been challenged to consider helping the mother’s in our state who suffer the agony of watching their children go to bed hungry.  The Baptist General Convention of Texas works with statewide and local entities to provide daily bread for all families.  The call of the day is Honor your mother…” Every mother deserves a day and every child deserves a meal.

World Hunger Statistics - 24,000 people die each day of hunger-related diseases. That’s 1,000 an hour or 17 each minute.

The global problem of world hunger is incredibly complicated.
Politics, nature, economic distribution, geographical barriers and war all contribute to the desperate condition of the hungry.

Responsibility comes when there is within our resource the ability to affect change.

Food Insecurity -
In America - 35% of households headed by single mothers are food
In Texas - 3.9 million Texans live below the poverty rate; 2.6 million people in the state experience shortages of food; 1 million experience hunger. US Department of Agriculture
In Parker County – In 2012 15% of the population of Parker County dealt with food insecurity. That represented 14,270 people.

The Common Response to the Problem - Luke 16:19-31
We dismiss the people who are hungry and in need.  We depersonalize them.
Jesus' story is a warning against two things in us:
1. Apathy   &   2. Acceptance
Feeling guilty won’t do anybody any good if it only leaves us feeling helpless.

God Wants All We Have - Mark 10: 17-22
Did anyone mention to you when you were invited to Christ that part of the deal was to give up everything you have?
We must quit worrying so much about who is getting in our pocketbook instead of who is influencing our heart.
It sounds paradoxical, but the more we care for the hurting, the more passionately we’ll love life.

Giving is celebrating life at its fullest.

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