Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Hope of Healing

Romans 8:18–28
Annually we recognize those that have been affected by cancer.  This special day is during the month of Breast Cancer Awareness but certainly acknowledges the battles fought on all types of cancer.
  1. I. We Live in a Fallen World  Romans 8:20,23a 
  • Our bodies are part of creation and are impacted by the futility and corruption to which creation has been subjected. 
  • The futility and corruption Paul speaks of refers to both spiritual and physical ruin.
  • It is God who subjected the creation to suffer in the hope of redemption. Romans 8:20-21  
  • As long as we are in the body we are subject to corruption
    2 Corinthians 4:16   
  1. II. Our Hope is Redemption  Romans 8:23 
  • Our hope is based on the promise of God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Hope is exercised only by faithRomans 8:24-25    
  1. III. Lamenting is not Complaining  Romans 8:26-27 
  • Complaining is blaming.  It is taking your issue to men.  
  • Lamenting is stating the condition of soul but with hope.  It is taking your issue to God.
  1. IV. Trust in the Power and Person of God  Romans 8:28 
  • The quality of our faith is reflected in the joy and confidence we maintain in God through suffering.  

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