Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Disabling Spirit

Luke 13:10-17
A favorite expression for describing someone who is upset is they are “bent out of shape.” In the passage of scripture today we are going to look at two people who were bent out of shape; one was a woman who was physically bent out of shape and the other was a religious man who was spiritually bent out of shape.  
I.     Physical DeformityLuke 13:10-11
"She lived in a posture of forced humility."--CH Spurgeon.
A twenty-year SundaySchoolPin does not mean someone is spirituallystrong.  
Masters of religionmay be spiritually empty vessels criticalof those aflame with spiritual fire. 
II.    The Spirit of InfirmityLuke 13:10;16
Luke describes her condition as two fold, 
·      disabled... weakness, frailty
·      boundby Satan ... oppressionnot possession
One of Satan’s greatest tools is to erect a strongholdin your mind to make you think you can’t do something that Godhas told you to do. 
Satan is the “father of lies” and a lyingspirit had convinced this poor woman that she couldn’t stand up.
A lot of us need for Jesus to deliver us from our “I can’ts” today.
Bentbacks come from deceivedminds. 
How sad when our weaknessesor other issues are how we are definedin life.  
III.  The Spirit of Deliverance Luke 13:12-13
·     JesusNoticesand Caresfor Hurting People.
We have the tendency to think we have to gain the attentionof Jesus. But Jesus seesus in our infirmity long before we ever seeHim.
Jesus still calls individual names.
·     Jesus Is PowerfulEnough To HealHurting People.
·     To be healed and free we must accept our newcondition

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