Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Grace High Priest

Hebrews 4:12-16
God has a remedy for the guilt and shame we feel about the hidden places in our hearts…GRACE.  God knows that to deal with the “coverings” we use will never answer the deep needs of our hearts.  How far will God go to give you the grace you need?
Nakedis an uncomfortable word that carries the concept of vulnerabilityand even shame.  
God’s grace is available to each of us but can only be received by a heartthat is exposedand open before Him.

I. God’sSword of Truth  v 12-13

·       When presented in the authorityof the Holy Spirit, the living Word brings the supernatural power of convictionto the guilty.    

·       God’s Word is not prejudicedor in any manner affected by humanstandards, creeds or circumstances, therefore yielding it honestand sincere.
·       Even our own consciencemay deceive us as to our guilt, but God’s Word is greater than our consciencewhen it throws the spotlight on our wrong. 
·       God does not overlookthe truth about us, nor does He bendthe rules of justice simply because He lovesus. 

II. Man’sSinful State   Romans 3:23

·      We have broken every one of God’s commandments.

·      Our first responseto sin is the same as Adam and Eve…we

III. JesusUnderstands  v. 15

·       God's son came to experience the great power of temptationon mankind yet was able to withstandit to pay for our sin.
·       Weakness does not excuse responsibilityfor sin but makes it very plain that we need God’s help
·       Jesus also understands that paymentmust be made for sinbecause God is holyand cannot have fellowshipwith sin.

IV. FaithOvercomes v. 14

·       The problem is not what I have donebut what I amas a sinner.
·       Repentancefor our sin and professionoffaithin Christ’s work bring salvation. 

V. GraceConquers All v. 16

·       The wrathof God against sin is not countered by His lovefor the sinner but by His amazing grace.

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