Sunday, July 18, 2021

Life Lessons – The Importance of Responsibility

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Life Lessons – The Importance of Responsibility 
Ephesians 4:17-32

There is no greater lesson in life than to learn the importance of responsibility.  
I. Learn the Value of the Truth v.25
II. Learn How to Handle Emotions v.26-27
III. The Importance of Responsibility v.28a
·  This scripture declares that one who does not share in the responsibility of labor actually steals from others.
·  A person is responsible for everything they thinkdo or say.  People can be very unreliable, but they are still responsible.

Where Does Responsibility Originate?
·      Ownership creates responsibility.
·      Relationship creates responsibility.
·      Vocation creates responsibility.
·      Freedom creates responsibility.
·      Commitments create responsibility.

Fear of Consequences Encourages Responsibility. 
·      God does not remove consequences from our failures
·      MOST of our problems in life are because we were not responsible in some area of our life.
·      Children who fail to learn to be responsible for themselves are socially and vocationally crippled.

How to Create a Victim – Genesis 3:11-13
It is our "responsibilities" that will reveal our "purpose.” 
·      The Victim's Motto - "As long as I can blame, I don't have to be responsible.”
·      The Victim's Predicament - "Until I am responsible, I have no power.”

Control vs. Character Development – Ephesians 6:4

Freedom vs Responsibility Model

Balanced Response



·      Responsibilities = identity = self-esteem
·      Boredom = not taking responsibility for personal happiness.
·      The requirement of parents is to create an individual capable of handling the world around them.
·      The greatest responsibility a person has is to secure their eternal salvation through Christ.

Faith at Home: Talk about The Freedom vs Responsibility Model with your children.

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