Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Journey of the Kings

Sunday, December 12, 2021 

The Journeys of Christmas

The Journey of the Kings
An Example of Perseverance 
Matthew 2:1-12

Today we look at the incredible journey of some very intriguing individuals.  While their story is well-known, their identities remain unclear.  What we do know is they were filled with determination and willing to sacrifice to reach the end of their journey.  We can learn some life lessons from this Christmas passage.


 I.     Who Were the Wisemen?  Micah 5:2, Genesis 49:10

·  The Purpose That Inspired Them 

·  The Prophecy That Guided Them

·  The Perseverance That Sustained Them


II.     What Did the Wisemen DoII Corinthians 8:11

·  Wisemen don’t quit, they keep going.


·  Wisemen bring gifts.

They gave themselves.

They gave gifts.

Wisemen finish the course.


Does God Give Individual Believers Vision and Purpose?  Jeremiah 29:11



What Stops Individuals from Finishing Their Journey?  Ecclesiastes 7:8



What Can Help Us to Finish Our Journey? Hebrews 12:1-2


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